“The nihil is not a concept at all, but rather immensity and fate. [...] There is no God but (only) zero – indifferentiation without unity – and nihil is true religion.”
I've done some reformatting. Added this scrollbox, which should eventually serve as the main content feed here where I can write and share things. I'll add a search function once I get my head around the javascript. I'm still not exactly sure where I'm going with this. I had a look through the index of all the old stuff I wrote from when I first started this site. It's all a little earnest and some of it misses the point... I certainly wouldn't write some of it now! That said, I kept the stuff that I know I was proud of a couple of years ago~ I think it would be a shame to delete work that I was once earnestly proud of. There are some notes that try and explain a couple of Mark Fisher and Deleuze and Guattari essays, and some assorted notes on digital economy, decay, and religion. I'll keep it all there for now until I can find the time to rework it all into something more cogent. I quite liked the Cosmic Meat stuff - I think that went up last year?
Anyway, for now, I'm going to check through the archive I started building. I'm going to see which materials I am still successfully hosting, which ones are worth me hosting, and what I have on my hard drive that could be worth sharing. I don't have huge amounts of storage space to work with, but I know I have some PDFs that were a real nightmare for me to find, so could be worth me hosting here.
I also have a book to finish reading and the Becoming Zero script to finish writing so I can't get too distracted. I'll probably host a draft here when it's finished..
I'm reworking this old site. It began as a project to archive some of my work whilst at NYU and to learn how to write HTML, however, I ran out of steam. In 2025, I will have a little more time on my hands, so I've decided to resurrect it with the intention of making something between a personal archive and a blog.
I'm currently going through old notes and materials and working out what I want to keep on this site. It should take a few days to get this up and running again. The original archive is here. The old index is here - disclaimer: I'm going through and quality checking to see what material in the index is actually worth keeping.